
welcome home!

Welcome to Newton Baptist Church of Covington, GA. Our desire is to help people grow spiritually and to help people find hope in Jesus. The Bible has made it clear that Christians have a need to be in church and a need to be with other believers. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you and have you call Newton Baptist Church your church home.

There is hope!

There is HOPE!
This is the most important message that a person can hear. God loves you, and He sent His son, Jesus, to die for you, because of this you can have HOPE!

Live & Recent Sermons

There's nothing quite like church in-person. It's such a blessing to praise the Lord together. However, we pray that our livestream will  be a help to you if you are unable to join us in person.

On the go?
Get the app!

No matter where you are, you can always stay connected and up-to-date with our new Newton Baptist Church App. Our smartphone and tablet apps are created for both Android and IOS and can be found in both respective stores. If you would like to catch up with archived church services, why not try our TV apps that can be found on Roku, Google TV, and more. No matter where you are on God's beautiful planet, you can always access the church that loves you and prays for you and that is Newton Baptist Church.


When you think. of going to church, you probably think of an actual building but did you know that it goes deeper than that? The church is actually the people that make up the church and not the physical building.
Here at Newton Baptist, We thank God for allowing us to have a great church along with such a nice congregational facility. Now you have the opportunity to go above and beyond  and help the church by reducing our building debt.

Our 9.12 Building Debt Reduction Program is specifically designed to target and reduce the outstanding balance of our building loan. This offering is an opportunity for us to better prepare for our church's future. Thanks for giving!

Summer 2024 @
Newton Baptist Church

Join us this summer as we learn about the Miracles of the Lord Jesus. We will kick off the summer with our (VBS) Vacation Bible School Monday, June 3rd - Wednesday, June 5th from 6-8pm. We will continue with the Miracles of Jesus all summer long on Wednesday Nights at 7pm.

join us!

We are located close to I-20 off the Almon Exit here in Covington. We would love to meet you and have you join us in our service.